Reduce your fuel costs
& carbon footprint

With global gasoline prices reaching all-time highs, and a climate emergency looming on the horizon, there has never been a more critical time to get your optimization house in order. Learn how to reduce your service team’s fuel costs and carbon footprint, plus make the most of scarce field service workers, all with the industry’s leading scheduling optimization engine from IFS.

See real-world examples of how IFS workforce planning and scheduling enables you to save between $3 and $5 Million on fuel costs and between $10 and $23 Million on labor annually, all while significantly reducing your carbon dioxide emissions.


Read the factsheet to learn how to:


  • Reduce your service technicians’ travel time by an average of 35%
  • Increase work order volume by up to 73% and reduce subcontractor spend by up to 49%
  • Calculate your potential cost and CO2 emissions savings with scheduling optimization

More efficiency, less complexity.
IFS Cloud for Italian companies.